php - Magento. Destination folder is not writable or does not exists -

hey i'm stuck following problem, plz help.

i "destination folder not writable.." when trying add image product, permission needed folders 777! had deleted files on server, didn`t touch db, reinstalled magento scratch new db, , ok. when switched previous db (change settings in local.xml) bug appeared again.

how can db impact folder permissions?


thanx lot, found out magento jump method:

public function getbasemediaurl() {    return mage::getbaseurl('media') . 'catalog/product'; } 

to following method:

public function getbasetmpmediaurl() {         return mage::getbaseurl('media') . 'tmp/catalog/product'; } 

does know why , how????

there's 1 spot in magento code base uses error language.

file: lib/varien/file/uploader.php ... if( !is_writable($destinationfolder) ) {     throw new exception('destination folder not writable or not exists.'); }    ... 

add temporary debugging code right above this

... if( !is_writable($destinationfolder) ) {     mage::log($destinationfolder);     //or     var_dump($destinationfolder);        throw new exception('destination folder not writable or not exists.'); }    ... 

this let know exact folder magento wants write to, can't. examine folder, , you'll find it's not writable. reviewing edge cases on is_writable may shed light on subject.


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