NuGet official package source: Should I be worried about the safety of the packages? -

according this page:

no central approval process adding packages. when upload package nuget package gallery (which doesn’t exist yet), won’t have wait around days or weeks waiting review , approve it. instead, we’ll rely on community moderate , police when comes feed. in spirit of how , work.

this makes me feel uneasy. before download firefox add-on, know should not contain malicious code, because afaik add-ons on reviewed mozilla. before download open source project or, know should safe because can check it's source code. , can use wot (web of trust) check how other people think project.

but before download package nuget official package source. take this one example. no know made package, nor contained in package. seems me can pack package, give name want (like "microsoft prism", long name not taken), upload official package source.

should worried safety of packages on nuget official package source?

your uneasyness should apply software obtain source:

  1. binaries downloaded,, etc feasibly contain malicious code (either planted original submitter or, more likely, inserted hacker website) may pass unnoticed until (you?) gets bitten , raises alarm.
  2. even if compile own binaries source downloaded 1 of former websites, still perform malicious acts unless go on source code , understand does.
  3. even software downloaded 'app stores' (e.g. apple itunes, android market) feasibly contain malicious code; of these review processes partially automated still not infallible, , human review occurs not infallible!
  4. there have been examples in past of boxed software containing malware!

perhaps there continuum of trust can have in software (delivered binaries or source code), , nuget package gallery (and , rubygems, etc) lies on less-trustworthy end of continuum.

there potential solutions sort of problem, such proposed trusted computing platform alliance, come huge restrictions on freedoms enjoy in developing software , sharing software develop see fit, without need licenses or cryptographic keys obtained central authorities @ great expense.

i believe community come conventions , mechanisms ensuring nuget becomes trustworthy source of software libraries .net developers, whilst retaining agility has not requiring formal review process. however, ultimate responsibility rests user ensure security isn't compromised, , precautions take function of criticality of security in context of software writing (e.g. home projects; low. banking, medical, process control projects; high!)


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