New Android SDK Tools causing havok -

i've updated new sdk platform version 11 , tools version 10 , generate invalid .apk files. eclipse doesn't complain until try , install it, says

android launch!

adb running normally.

could not find someapp.apk!

this because apk messed up. using adb install someapp.apk see

eocd not found, not zip

note, i'm building against 2 referenced libraries.

please me resolve issue.

i've spent day looking answer, , chagrin unable find answer. did narrow culprit down either eclipse 3.4 or ant though. reasoning: ant 1.8 needed use command line tools, updated , build via command line. eclipse has plugins 1.7 though, builds still failed.

to solve this, updated eclipse 3.6 , works now. helps someones else.


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