.net - How to add text to request body in RestSharp -

i'm trying use restsharp consume web service. far everything's gone (cheers john sheehan , contributors!) i've run snag. want insert xml body of restrequest in serialized form (i.e., string). there easy way this? appears .addbody() function conducts serialization behinds scenes, string being turned <string />.

any appreciated!

edit: sample of current code requested. see below --

private t executerequest<t>(string resource,                             restsharp.method httpmethod,                             ienumerable<parameter> parameters = null,                             string body = null) t : new() {     restclient client = new restclient(this.baseurl);     restrequest req = new restrequest(resource, httpmethod);      // add parameters (and body, if applicable) request     req.addparameter("api_key", this.apikey);     if (parameters != null)     {         foreach (parameter p in parameters) req.addparameter(p);     }      if (!string.isnullorempty(body)) req.addbody(body); // <-- issue here      restresponse<t> resp = client.execute<t>(req);     return resp.data; } 

here how add plain xml string request body:

req.addparameter("text/xml", body, parametertype.requestbody);


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