.net - Bind to storyboard defined inside a UserControl from the parent window -

i got storyboard working, i'm trying encapsulate of functionality usercontrol.

the goal take button on window, , have start storyboard (that slides user control view) defined within usercontrol, when button within usercontrol clicked trigger yet storyboard in user control (to slide the usercontrol out.)

i found question, seems quite similar; however, there's no satisfactory answer there , additionally, i'm open other solutions achieve goal.

my assumption usercontrol should know how "slide" view , out of view, control glorified input dialog told "show" self externally, know when hide itself.

i ok animation/storyboarding being defined outside control, if best (which seems consensus question above) -- how "slide-out" when ok or cancel button pushed within control?

it feels ugly window perform "slide-in" , control perform "slide-out" -- originating control exists.

i'd rather xaml solution; i'm open dropping code in usercontrol. i'm looking robust , easy solution, because once working, have several additional usercontrols fit mold.

may should try visual states?


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