memcached - Rails Action Caching for user specific records -

i rails newbie trying implement caching app. installed memcached , configured in development.rb follows:

config.action_controller.perform_caching             = true config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store 

i have controller productscontroller shows user specific products when logged in.

class productscontroller < applicationcontroller   caches_action :index, :layout => false   before_filter :require_user    def index     @user.products                 end end  route index action is: /products 

the problem when login

1) user first time, rails hits controller , caches products action.

2) logout , login user b, still logs me in user , shows products user , not user b. doesn't hit controller.

the key route, in memcached console see it's fetching based on same key.

20 views/localhost:3000/products 20 sending key views/localhost:3000/products 

is action caching not should use? how cache , display user specific products?

thanks help.

the first problem before_filter require_user after action caching, won't run. fix that, use controller code:

class productscontroller < applicationcontroller   before_filter :require_user   caches_action :index, :layout => false    def index     @products = @user.products                 end end 

second, action caching doing exact same thing page caching, after filters run, @user.products code won't run. there couple of ways fix this.

first, if want can cache action based on parameters passed page. example, if pass user_id parameter, cache based on parameter this:

caches_action :index, :layout => false, :cache_path => { |c| c.params[:user_id] } 

second, if want cache query , not entire page, should remove action caching entirely , cache query, this:

def index   @products = rails.cache.fetch("products/#{}"){ @user.products } end 

this should on way having separate cache each user.


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