jsp - Java Object creation vs. String parsing -

i'm working on migrating project jsp-centric using velocity. in many places jsp pages parsing strings display various things. makes jsp ugly , difficult maintain obviously.

i have modified controller class work me (i.e. creating list of pojos), iterating on pieces using velocity. have feeling it's going come heavy resistance.

i realize creating object comes overhead, makes our pages easier debug, write , use. besides fact separates ui core logic of occurring in background. not mention our appservers bored. database wincing in pain. see tenfold increase in users (which why developed parse strings in jsp & skip object creation) -- smells me of premature optimization.

what further arguments support claim should eat cost associated object creation?

  • object creation in java somewhat expensive, 15 years ago. java runtimes have improved lot since then. nowadays, java object creation faster in c++.
  • it never expensive decisive factor in basic application design.
  • doing things in jsp not mean no (or fewer) objects created. quite opposite, likely. jsps compiled normal java code creates lots of objects.
  • it sounds company needs hire @ least 1 person understands how java works asap.


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