java - Any trap which we should beware of Integer.MIN_VALUE == -Integer.MIN_VALUE == Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE) -

i realize below code holds true

integer.min_value == -integer.min_value == math.abs(integer.min_value) 

this because when negate -2147483648, should become +2147483648. since maximum positive integer can represented in java +2147483647, integer overflow occur. when overflow occur, becomes -2147483648 again.

i wondering, is there trap should keep eye on it, above situation?

the biggest trap slient overflow of example.

similar examples.

long.min_value == -long.min_value; 0.0d == -0.0d 0.0f == -0.0f double.nan != double.nan float.nan != float.nan, 0) == 1 double.nan > 0 false, 0) == 1 float.nan > 0 false 


byte.min_value != -byte.min_value; short.min_value != -short.min_value; character.min_value == -character.min_value; 


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