ios - UITableViewCell left side color -

i set color left of uitableviewcell, want fall withing bounds of cell. because use uitableviewstylegrouped uitableview color have round corner first , last cell. how can this?

i have color in table, thats it. code:

uiview *theview = [[uiview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(0, 0, 10, cell.frame.size.height)]; [theview setbackgroundcolor:[uicolor purplecolor]];  [cell.contentview addsubview:theview];  [[cell textlabel] settext:@"some row"]; 

this result:
enter image description here

best regards,
paul peelen

the fastest , easiest way use images first , last cells.

there bit more sophisticated way - drawing of core graphics

edit: case rectangle plus quoter of ellipse (or pie slice).


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