eclipse - Android project Refactor greyed out -

i renamed project in eclipse via 'refactor > rename' suggested in this answer.

i want rename again, refactor menu has only one menu item (android > extract android string...) greyed out!

i using eclipse 3.6.1 latest android sdk 9.

why , how restore normal?

update (1): after following sankar ganesh's suggestion (selecting string), refactor menu appeared again. selected rename... menu item again , received following error message box:

enter image description here

this better previous situation, in had no idea why refactor menu had been disabled , do. still, don't understand why , rules should follow when using refactor function. wanted rename project... that's all. :)

update (2): tried same exact operation again again (refactor > rename while project selected in project explorer) , worked! (without issuing message box shown above).

what's going on?

must bug, because inconsistent.

i wonder,why struggling renaming project, if want rename project, can select project, click refactor menu, rename, that's it


enter image description here

step2: see project name updated,initally friend finder, friendfinderupdated

enter image description here

also , can use extract android string valid java identifiers , not packages , files, because see window here

enter image description here


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