c# - HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The size of the response header is too large. Contact your ISA server administrator. (12216) -

some of users getting following error

http 502 proxy error - size of response header large. contact isa server administrator. (12216) internet security , acceleration server

i guessing has size of hidden "__viewstate" tag in asp.net pages.

i realize restriction imposed on users end , have no contol on it.

i disabled viewstate on controls in asp.net pages. however, __viewstate still generated large (as always) persist control-state (e.g. checkbox, radiobutton, etc.)

is there workaround can try?

first, if isa complaining response "header" it's not viewstate. viewstate "simply" form field in body of page. there many things can reduce size of viewstate, along products let eliminate page response (ours @ http://www.techsoftinc.com/viewstate being 1 of many.)

if you've disabled viewstates on page , it's still "very large" i'd suggest running through viewstate decoder see what's in it. have perhaps not disabled on datagrid or other control that's stashing ton of data in it?

however beyond viewstate, what's in header of response? (not tag, headers come before response.) may need fiddler show you.


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