c++ - Compile a specific obj in a Visual Studio Project from the Command Line? -

i want compile file.obj commandline. within ide, if i'm viewing file.cpp, can click on build -> compile (or hit ctrl-f7), , compile file.obj object. able commandline. ideally, akin to:

vcbuild project.vcproj debug file.obj       // not valid command 

i have looked @ documentation vcbuild, msbuild, , devenv. i've experimented three, cannot find way this. can find way build entire project, that's not want. want build specific source file. /pass1 tells vcbuild compile (not link), compiles entire project.

i looked @ using cl, compiler. in order use it, have know right parameters pass set environment correctly. automatically taken care of msbuild/vcbuild.

with makefiles, make file.obj, , set path, include dirs, etc.

any options this? there automated way extract appropriate settings .vcproj file, , pass them cl?

using cl way compile single files command line. say, requires/allows specify options want use. options!

if don't want that, why not use ide have done automagically you? why hardest way, if don't that?


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