visual studio 2005 - SQL reporting services datasource not visible in designer. Why? and How do I fix it? -

so im maintaining reports in vs2005 .net project. reports use object classes business layer datasets arent listen in menu in report designer. have no clue why not makes dealing them pain. add or manipulate datasets forced use notepad edit nodes add fields , whatnot. using microsoft report viewer tool instead of reports server (not that has it). anyway, why cant see datasets in designer tool. im guessing maybe person initialy developed reports might have used newer version of visual studio , added them tfs project. benefits of business layer objects , whatnot in appcode im ready start referencing db procs directly reports , chop current datasouces out of report code. but... finding way @ least view them within vs2005 awesome me meeting of these deadlines.


that has happened me when data-source named/referenced in datasets doesn't exist. (i did find , replace in code , forgot text included in name of primary data-source report, changed name referenced in of datasets.... didn't change name of actual data-source because hadn't highlighted in find/replace selection)....

<dataset name="facility">   <fields>     <field name="facility_id">       <datafield>facility_id</datafield>       <rd:typename>system.guid</rd:typename>     </field>     <field name="facname">       <datafield>facname</datafield>       <rd:typename>system.string</rd:typename>     </field>   </fields>   <query>     <datasourcename>database</datasourcename>     <commandtext>select distinct name facname, facility_id<br>from location<br>where<br>facility_id = location.facilityid and<br>facility_id = upper(@fac)<br></commandtext>     <queryparameters>       <queryparameter name="@fac">         <value>=parameters!fac.value</value>         <rd:userdefined>true</rd:userdefined>       </queryparameter>     </queryparameters>     <rd:usegenericdesigner>true</rd:usegenericdesigner>   </query> </dataset> 


"database" needs data-source exists, meaning... see in design view? if doesn't please give more details.



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