scala - Implicits, pimpl pattern etc -

let's have these classes:

case class a() case class b() case class c(a: a, b: b) 

and these variables:

val = a() val b = b() 

is there way instance of c implicitly , without making a , b implicit vals? i.e. if have method expecting c:

def foo(c: c) 

the case class a notation deprecated. have use case class a(), otherwise assigning a val a result in a referring companion object of case class a generated behind scene.

it's understanding wanted a refer instance of case class, not companion object.

if so, you're asking possible - a , b don't have implicit, have add new implicit method scope:

implicit def obtainc = new c(a, b) 

then, have put implicit modifier c in method foo:

def foo(implicit c: c) 

complete session:

scala> case class a() defined class  scala> case class b() defined class b  scala> case class c(a: a, b: b) defined class c  scala> val = a() a: = a()  scala> val b = b() b: b = b()  scala> implicit def obtainc = new c(a, b) obtainc: c  scala> def foo(implicit c: c) = {} foo: (implicit c: c)unit  scala> foo 


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