html - Use jQuery to swap/switch between 'div's? -

i using this guide sort out automatic image switching @ intervals.

what i'd adapt (or new ideas) images links i've got (this structural purposes, link# , image# variables actual elements in code):

<div id="mygallery">         <div class="active">         <a href="link1"><img src="image1" /></a>     </div>     <div>         <a href="link2"><img src="image2" /></a>     </div>     <div>         <a href="link3"><img src="image3" /></a>     </div> </div> 

i tried changing bits in tutorial referenced img div.

the difference first image took ages load , none of them 'clickable' links.

here, script:

  <script>     function swapimages(){       var $active = $('#mygallery .active');       var $next = ($('#mygallery .active').next().length > 0) ? $('#mygallery .active').next() : $('#mygallery div:first');       $active.fadeout(function(){       $active.removeclass('active');       $next.fadein().addclass('active');       });     }      $(document).ready(function(){       // run our swapimages() function every 5secs       setinterval('swapimages()', 2000);     })   </script> 

style :

  <style>     #mygallery{       position:relative;       width:400px; /* set image width */       height:300px; /* set image height */     }     #mygallery div{       display:none;       position:absolute;       top:0;       left:0;     }     #mygallery{       display:block;     }   </style> 


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