how do you revert 1 or more committed files in mercurial but NOT the entire changeset -

say have files file_a, file_b , file_c. edit file_a , file_b on purpose file_c added debugging code don't plan commit. accident a

hg commit -m "comment" 

how revert/rollback/backout file_c? i'd happy able go

hg update -r <onerevback> file_c hg commit -m "put c back" 

but update doesn't take filter afaik it's going revert file_a , file_b. can copy file_c somewhere, hg update, copy seems lame. there way directly in mercurial?

the exact command wanted use have worked if used hg revert instead of hg update

hg revert -r <onerevback> file_c hg commit -m "put c back" 


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