c# - MSChart Control -

i have mschart control in windows form, coding in c#. have array of data populate chart. needing following these:

  1. make chart show in 10 second frames, data total around 15 minutes or more, want chart show x axis on 10 second scale.

  2. i needed implement scroll bar on bottom of chart, click show me next 10 second frame. start off showing first 10 second frame, next ones, (10 - 20, 20 - 30, etc)

  3. in each 10 second frame need plot 170 data items array. next 10 second frame show next 170 data items, , continue end.

here snipplet of done far

#region setupchart()     public bool setupchart()     {         try         {             this.view.chart.chartareas[0].axisx.scaleview.size = 10;             return true;         }         catch { return false; }      }     #endregion      #region draw()     public bool draw()     {         try         {             view.data = this.dllcall.getdata(1);              int startsecond = 0;             foreach (int16 item in view.data)             {                  //this.view.chart.series["myseries"].points.addxy(startsecond, item);                      this.view.chart.series["myseries"].points.add(item);         startsecond++;              }             return true;         }         catch (exception ex)         {             this.errormessage = ex.message;             return false;         }     } 

it's time ago, since worked chart. chart capable of zooming , padding. put whole data chart , zoom ten second frame , @ last pad position need.

the zooming provides scrollbars automaticallly. no need on functionality.


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