c++ - Does set_target_properties in CMake override CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS? -

at beginning of cmake project, i'm setting general compilation flags in variable cmake_cxx_flags, like

set(cmake_cxx_flags "-w -wall ${cmake_cxx_flags}") 

later on, need append additional configuration-specific compilation flags (stored in build_flags). can use following command this:

set_target_properties(${target} properties compile_flags ${build_flags}) 

or have add cmake_cxx_flags manually:

set_target_properties(${target} properties compile_flags "${cmake_cxx_flags} ${build_flags}") 

to prevent cmake_cxx_flags being overriden build_flags?

use first one:

set_target_properties(${target} properties compile_flags ${build_flags}) 

the flags stored in build_flags appended after cmake_cxx_flags when compiling sources of target. documentation hints @ this, i've tried make sure.


   additional flags use when compiling target's sources.      compile_flags property sets additional compiler flags used    build sources within target.  use compile_definitions    pass additional preprocessor definitions. 

the full command line equivalent of:

${cmake_cxx_compiler} ${cmake_cxx_flags} ${compile_flags} -o foo.o -c foo.cc 

and ramon said, can check make verbose=1.


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