android - When I set the theme, it doesn't update on device -

what want app have "zoom-in" animation used by, e.g., google maps, when start application instant title screen animation. did in 1 title, changing existing app has proven...complicated...and i'm wondering magic managed in previous app didn't make new app.

i have theme defined this:

<style name="startstyle" parent="@android:style/theme.light.notitlebar.fullscreen">     <item name="android:background">@drawable/recharge</item> </style> 

where there's recharge.png in res/drawable.

in file "theme.xml" in res/values, , reference this:

<activity android:name=".mainactivity"    android:theme="@style/startstyle" <!-- more ... --> </activity> 

when working on app, had uninstall , reinstall app changes theme ever show up. once showed up, worked.

but new application never zoom, though on first run on particular device show "recharge.png" image. later (even after killing app) doesn't show again; cuts black screen before showing title screen. ok, more testing shows if kill app, wait 10 seconds, , run again, can recharge.png show again, never zoom animation.

it doesn't seem update when change theme, either, have suspect there's cache needs cleared.

my app ndk-based, , app rendering in opengl, seems "zoom" animation should happening before app gets full initialized. wrong? killing starving cpu, instance? thoughts?

i never able track down level of certainty, seems running few different things:

  • sometimes information is cached indeterminate period of time.
  • the "zoom in" effect doesn't work on android when have landscape-only app (a game) , it's zooming out portrait mode.
  • eclipse sucks, , doesn't notice things changed unless refresh before building. , f5 isn't mapped refresh, when hit f5 refresh project (even after clicking on project!) won't refresh. i've verified right clicking , seeing "f5" shortcut missing right-click menu.


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