Zope Management Interface know-how for better Plone development -

as typical 'integrator' programmer customising plone, should know zmi me code more effectively? settings, tools, pitfalls, shortcuts , dark corners save me time , me write better code?

edit: take read coding on filesystem, using genericsetup profiles make settings changes. know making changes in zmi bad idea , steer clear. zmi sure useful: inspecting workflow, or examining content item's permissions, or installing 1 part of profile via portal_setup. there nothing worth knowing zmi? or there other useful little tidbits in there?

there few places in zmi find myself returning diagnostic information:

  • /control_panel/database: select zodb mountpoint. cache parameters tab shows how of designated zodb cache size has been used. activity tab shows how many objects being loaded cache , written on time.

  • /control_panel/debuginfo/manage: lots of info, including showing request each thread serving @ current moment. 'cache detail' , 'cache extreme detail' links give info on classes of objects in zodb cache.

  • components tab of plone site root: quick way see local adapters , utilities registered. don't hit apply button!

  • undo tab of objects: see has committed transactions affecting object lately.

  • security tab: see permissions in effect object. don't want change permissions here 90% of time; it's hard keep track of permissions set , liable reset workflow. use sharing tab in plone ui assign local roles instead. (the 1 exception find handy enable add permission particular type in specific contexts.) in zope 2.12, there new feature on tab enter username , see permissions , roles in effect user, handy.

  • catalog tab of portal_catalog: see index data , metadata stored particular path. (can remove bogus entries index.)

  • index tab of portal_catalog: select index, click browse tab overview of keys indexed , items associated each key.


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