Visual Studio Item Template with Wizard -

i looking sample on how create item template wizard in visual studio 2010. requirement when user selects add item, want show dialog user enters input parameters. on pressing ok in form generate xml file want add project.


i'd recommend vsix featured in link
, rename zip file , open start with. xml in item templates aren't complicated. looking @ 1 generated tool classic asp file.

  <vstemplate version="3.0.0" xmlns="" type="item">   <templatedata>     <defaultname>classic asp</defaultname>      <name>classic asp</name>     <description>adds script tag import ref</description>     <projecttype>web</projecttype>     <projectsubtype>visualbasic</projectsubtype>     <sortorder>10</sortorder>     <icon>__templateicon.ico</icon>   </templatedata>   <templatecontent>     <references />     <projectitem targetfilename="$fileinputname$.asp" replaceparameters="true">classicasp.asp</projectitem>   </templatecontent> </vstemplate>  


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