scala - Choosing the last element of a list -

scala> last(list(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)) res0: int = 8 

for having result above, wrote code:

val yum = args(0).toint val thrill:   def last(a: list[int]): list[int] = {      println(last(list(args(0).toint).last)      } 

what problem code?

you can use last, returns last element or throws nosuchelementexception, if list empty.

scala> list(1, 2, 3).last res0: int = 3 

if not know if list empty or not, may consider using lastoption, returns option.

scala> list().lastoption res1: option[nothing] = none  scala> list(1, 2, 3).lastoption res2: option[int] = some(3) 

your question list, using last on infinite collection (e.g. stream.from(0)) can dangerous , may result in infinite loop.


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