Print without newline under function doesn't work as it should in Python -

i'm doing progressbar uploading script , therefor want print row of multiple '#' can't work. when tell python not add newline remove doesn't work expected under functions. using "print ('#', end='')" in python 3 or "print '#'," in python 2 removes when executed under functions doesn't print out until whole function finished, should not wait normal print.

import time  = 0  def status():     print('#', end='')  while < 60:     status()     time.sleep(1)     += 1 

this should print '#' every second doesn't. prints them after 60 seconds. using print('#') prints out every second expected. need fix this. please help!

solution: "sys.stdout.flush()" after each print :)

you need flush output buffer after each print invocation. see how flush output of python print?


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