perl read multiple file -

in perl,

how read multiple file @ once,

am genrating report @ end of month,

per day 1 log file create,

i want read entire month files ,

my file somthing t.log.mmddyyy

the glob function allow retrieve list of files names match pattern. if load list @argv, can process files--even in order single loop:

use strict; use warnings; use getopt::long;  sub usage ($) {      $msg = shift;     die <<"end_msg"; *** $msg usage: $0 --month=nn --year=nn path  end_msg }  getoptions( 'month=i' => \my $month, 'year=i'  => \my $year );  usage "month not specified!" unless $month; usage "year not specified!"  unless $year; usage "invalid month specified: $month" unless $month > 0 , $month < 13; usage "invalid year specified: $year"   unless $year  > 0;  $directory_path = shift; die "'$directory_path' not exist!" unless -d $directory_path;  @argv = sort glob( sprintf( "$directory_path/t.log.%02d??%02d", $month, $year )); while ( <> ) { # process files      ... } 


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