java - PreferenceManager Trouble -

i have got self problem. have preferencemanager keeps track of preferences have default values , can set user @ run time. other day testing , input value apparently not handled way have set up. want load default values set in xml file application run again. right now, gets part loading value below

dr.sethrvmax(integer.parseint(prefs.getstring("hrvmaxkey", "100"))); 

and spits out error

02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276): fatal exception: main 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276): java.lang.runtimeexception: unable start activity componentinfo{cpe495.smartapp/cpe495.smartapp.smartapp}: java.lang.numberformatexception: unable parse '7p-' integer 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @$2300( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @$h.handlemessage( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ android.os.looper.loop( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @$ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276): caused by: java.lang.numberformatexception: unable parse '7p-' integer 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ java.lang.integer.parse( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ java.lang.integer.parseint( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ java.lang.integer.parseint( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ cpe495.smartapp.smartapp.oncreate( 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     @ 02-23 20:35:31.454: error/androidruntime(276):     ... 11 more 

i load complete defaults xml instead of trying load last saved preference. have tried following , not working:

sharedpreferences prefs = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(this); preferencemanager.setdefaultvalues(this, r.xml.settings, true); prefs.registeronsharedpreferencechangelistener(this); 

if more information needed please let me know.

thanks in advance!

to reset preferences default values, need clear them first:

sharedpreferences prefs = preferencemanager.getdefaultsharedpreferences(this); prefs.edit().clear().commit(); preferencemanager.setdefaultvalues(this, r.xml.settings, true); 

for more info, check out docs preferencemanager. discuss case when describing readagain parameter of setdefaultvaules:

note: not reset preferences default values. functionality, use getdefaultsharedpreferences(context) , clear followed call method parameter set true


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