java - Jsch or SSHJ or Ganymed SSH-2? -

  1. i need connect server(username,pasw,host)-- easy

  2. enter 3-10 commands -- command="dir;date;cd;dir" there easier way ?, without writing 20 lines: while(smtng) { lot of stuff+ mysterious print scr:d }

  3. download file-- easy

  4. write downloaded file same file (add not owerride) -- ideas how?

so perform these increadible easy tasks, might seem impossible if dare use jsch(awsome documentation), there choise between jsch,sshj,ganymed suggestions?


2) multiple commands entering

4) adding existing txt file more txt :d (probably there build in command) or not?

  /* download/owerride : sftpchannel.get("downloadfile.txt", "savefile.txt");*/ 

i can't comment on others ganymed works indeed.


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