iphone - UIImageView doesn't update -

i have problem uiimageview doesn't update. so, it's this: have uiscrollview contains uiimageview (called imageview). now, imageview , should contain more uiimageviews. uiimageviews add code not appear.

this code:

    for(i = 0 ; < nroftilesperheight ; i++)     for(j = 0 ; j < nroftilesperwidth ; j++)     {                         imagerect = cgrectmake(j*tile_width,i*tile_height,tile_width, tile_height);          image = cgimagecreatewithimageinrect(aux.cgimage, imagerect);           if(!data[i][j])         nslog(@"data[%d][%d] nil",i,j);           context = cgbitmapcontextcreate (data[i][j], tile_width, tile_height,                           bitspercomponent, bitmapbytesperrow, colorspace,                          kcgimagealphapremultipliedlast | kcgbitmapbyteorder32big);           if (context == null)            {           free (data);           printf ("context not created!");           cgcolorspacerelease( colorspace );          }           cgcontextdrawimage(context, cgrectmake(0, 0, tile_width, tile_height), image);           data[i][j] = cgbitmapcontextgetdata (context);          memcpy(originaldata[i][j],data[i][j],tile_width*tile_height*numberofcompponents);           cgcontextflush(context);           cgimagerelease(image);           uiimageview *imgview = [[uiimageview alloc] init];          [imgview settag:i*10+j];           cgrect frame = imgview.frame;          frame.origin.x = j * (tile_width+5)  * initialscale;          frame.origin.y = * (tile_height+5) * initialscale;          frame.size.width  *= initialscale;          frame.size.height *= initialscale;           [imgview setframe:frame];           [imageview addsubview:imgview];           [self updatetileatline:i androw:j];           [imgview release];          cgdataproviderrelease(dataprovider);          cgimagerelease(cgimage);             }    - (void) updatetileatline: (int) androw: (int) j {                cgdataproviderref dataprovider = cgdataprovidercreatewithdata(null, data[i][j], bitmapbytecount, null);      cgimageref cgimage = cgimagecreate(tile_width, tile_height, bitspercomponent,                bitsperpixel, bitmapbytesperrow, colorspace,           kcgimagealphapremultipliedlast | kcgbitmapbyteorder32big, dataprovider, null, false,  kcgrenderingintentdefault);      uiimage *myimg = [uiimage imagewithcgimage:cgimage];     uiimageview *auximageview = (uiimageview*) [imageview viewwithtag:(i*10+j)];     [auximageview setimage:myimg];      cgdataproviderrelease(dataprovider);     cgimagerelease(cgimage); } 

now...this doesn't crashes...so non-nil , ok. if instead of using viewwithtag , alloc init new uiimageview , add imageview, appear. don't want copy of view since updatetile method called quite often.

my question is: why doesn't auximageview appear? should.

thank you.

regards, george

try this

for(uiview *view in [imageview subviews]) { if(view.tag == i*10+j) {  uiimageview *auximageview = (uiimageview*) view; [auximageview setimage:myimg]; }  } 


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