html - How does the browser knows how to interpret the script tag? -

according this:

the type of script added in script tag. values are: "text/tcl", "text/javascript", "text/vbscript".

recently i've seen in page: cofeescript in 1,2,3 following:

  <script src="coffee-script.js"></script>  <script type="text/coffeescript">          alert "hello coffeescript!"  </script> 

and works great! ( had download cofeescript library , use 1 in folder )

my question is. how browser knows given script should handled? have no idea.

seeing can't finish answer, it's not yet entirely clear question ;)

but answer question related: the type attribute of script , style elements in html?


  • type indeed required attribute in html 4

  • it defaults text/javascript in html 5

as far know, text/javascript de facto default in modern browsers if property missing in html 4.


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