Could not open new database 'DB Name'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted (SQL Server, Error: 948) -


the case:

i trying move database 1 server another, source server has sql server 2008 r2, destination server has sql server 2008.

i copied .mdf file tried use query sp_attach_db , wizard attach error, follows:

attach database failed server 'server_name'. (microsoft.sqlserver.smo)

----------------------- additional information:
exception occurred while executing transact-sql statement or batch. (microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo)

the database 'db_name' cannot opened because version 661. server supports version 655 , earlier. downgrade path not supported. not open new database 'db_name'. create database aborted. (microsoft sql server, error: 948)

i dont think possible attach database higher version of sql server lower version.

eg 2008 2003 not ok,

going 2003 2008 ok.

you try doing import export data have not worked out how attach far.


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