c# - Having multiple properties incrementing one variable. Simple check of its value? -

i have 10 properties when each set increments value of variable value. when value of value 10, app end. seems awkward write same condition each of them this:

int value=0; int {    set    {      a=value;      value++;      if(value>10) ... //check here    } } int b {    set    {      b=value;      value++;      if(value>10)  //check here again    } } 

how can simplify checking value?

private int counter; private int b; private int a;  public int {     set      {          counter++;          = value;          checkcounter();     } }  public int b    {     set      {          counter++;          b = value;          checkcounter();     } }   public void checkcounter() {      if (counter>10)      {          //do      } } 

or make counter property..

private int counter {     set     {         counter = value;         checkcounter();     }         {         return counter;     } } 

and use when incrementing..



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