c++ - GDI+ Bitmap LockBits returns rotated image? -

i loaded image file , want write avi file:

gdiplus::bitmap frame(l"test.png", false); gdiplus::bitmapdata bmp_data = {}; gdiplus::rect rect(0, 0, frame.getwidth(), frame.getheight()); frame.lockbits(&rect, gdiplus::imagelockmoderead, frame.getpixelformat(),      &bmp_data); avistreamwrite(avi_stream, i, 1, bmp_data.scan0,      std::abs(bmp_data.stride) * bmp_data.height, aviif_keyframe, null, null); frame.unlockbits(&bmp_data); 

resulting avi-file rotated 180 degrees. what's wrong?

also noticed original image bottom-up (bitmap::lockbits() returned negative bitmapdata::stride). saved disk bitmap::save(). after loading image top-down.


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