android - Placing touch areas on an image that is drag, pinch zoom capable -

i'm looking way place touchable hotspots on image. image (picture desk phone keypad, speaker button, hold, etc) in framelayout wrapped within relativelayout, , has few buttons along bottom. need image dragable, pinch/zoom-able, , have implemented following article:;content

i've tried few ways embed hotspots including technique (from ip332):
uses points determine hotspots. drag & zoom feature, doesn't work because points change whenever drag or zoom. try manually adjust of hotspot locations within ontouch method whenever motion detected, seems bit hairy me.

in dream world, i'd somehow embed imagebuttons within image , have image , imagebuttons scale , move drag & zoom. imagebuttons allow ability give feedback (e.g. color change, etc) when hotspot pressed.

any suggestions?

you can listen touch events, save touched location's x/y coordinates on action_down , compare ones on action_up. if they're close each other , time interval less x miliseconds, have click.


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