rapidly change data type of table in Access 2007 -

i have table >100 columns imported excel access 2007, , want change datatype of fields memo, being fed of manually clicking datatype pull down list 1 one, can vba or sql statement? thanks!

i fixed finally:

dim db dao.database dim tdf1 dao.tabledef dim fld dao.field  set db = currentdb set tdf = currentdb.openrecordset("ssi_10q12_v5_table") set tdf1 = db.createtabledef("ssi_10q12_v5_table_1")       debug.print tdf.name,     debug.print tdf.fields.count     x = 0 tdf.fields.count - 1         debug.print tdf.fields(x).name,         set fld = tdf1.createfield(tdf.fields(x).name, dbmemo)         tdf1.fields.append fld      next x  db.tabledefs.append tdf1 set fld = nothing set tdf = nothing  end sub 

see if can here, again.


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