java - Cost of storing objects into request for JSTL -

we have legacy applications start use common jsp pages. in terms of used technologies each of them using different view technologies. shortly, can use jstl in these pages.

i want store bundle implementation in request in order used jstl this

  request.setattribute("bundle", getbundle()); 

our bundle has maybe 10000 entry.

my question:

does storing big objects in request bring cost?

update: our bundle static. (per server there 1 instance of it.) mean have reference in request object.

maybe should state requirement. common pages have existing has implemented. , implementation sharing different bundle implementation. different java.util.resourcebundle . why not use jstl fmt tags.

if reusing created bundle guess storing should not cost (considering fact - request java object , have reference collection holds objects), if creating bundle in each request call costly, again not storing perspective time taken creating bundle 10, 000 entries each time , garbage collection.


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