problem with jquery ajax while loading data in django page -

why following jquery code doesn't work when used django while works if loaded static page?

there's django's csrf protection involved somewhere, can't find how make work.

edited, stripped down code:

 $(document).ready(function(){ $('.content').load('something.txt');     $.ajax({     method: "get",url: "",     success: function(html)             {             $(".content").html(html);             }     }); });  

the purpose of should be: when django page loads, script should call django view(s) , load data them. (at moment make easier 'something.txt' static file)

...firebug doesn't show abnormal

i'm going take wild guess: maybe when load page django don't have static file serving setup properly, jquery never gets loaded, , such none of javascript gets executed.

to check , see if jquery getting loaded open firebug on page , see if jquery variable undefined.

if that's problem load jquery cdn now.

<script src=""></script>


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