iphone - Weird behavior of hidesBottomBarWhenPushed = YES (moves views when popping back) -

so i've got weird going on here, , can't quite put figure on it. basically, i've got view has 2 subviews: 1 webview, other button controller

see here bug: http://screencast.com/t/ztjaup8axgz

now when pushviewcontroller controller , pop back, works fine, except when pushviewcontroller view controller (the 1 magnifying glass). when that, see following bugs:

  1. the webview gets 20 pixels shorter
  2. the button controller gets pushed 7-8 pixels.

i've isolated down fact when tab bar hidden (with hidesbottombarwhenpushed = yes), bug no longer seen:


what cause this? bug in hidesbottombarwhenpushed ? if so, how can compensate it?

with little bit of debugging, ended finding out subview in question growing 10 px, being shifted -5.

i wasn't updating height of view anywhere - coworker suggested turn off autoresizessubviews (which did in nib of parent controller). fixed issue.

presumably, parent (containing) controller's view bounds had changed, although saw no evidence of in debugger.


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