iphone - NSString is not getting added to NSMutableArray -

-(ibaction)orderbuttonpressed {             mystring = staterlabel1.text;      [myarray addobject:mystring];       nslog(@"wat in  %@",myarray);        }   -(ibaction)orderbutton2pressed {                 mystring2  = staterlabel2.text;      [myarray addobject:mystring];      nslog(@"wat in  %@",myarray);     } 

after clicking button text in mystring should add nsmutablearray object myarray, not happen. doing wrong?

you have typo

(ibaction)orderbuttonpressed {             mystring = staterlabel1.text;      [myarray addobject:mystring];       nslog(@"wat in  %@",myarray);        }   -(ibaction)orderbutton2pressed {                 mystring2  = staterlabel2.text;      [myarray addobject:mystring2]; // <-- change here      nslog(@"wat in  %@",myarray);     } 

in second method need add mystring2 not mystring


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