iphone - iOS: After one animation, all other views start animating -

i have peculiar problem. in ios app i've developed, after running animations below find various other elements of ui animate whenever appear.

for instance, once these animations below run, every time navigate new tab in app, ui elements animate top left corner of iphone proper positions. have specified no animations these ui elements in other tabs , in fact elements have no access to, activity indicator in iphone status bar, begin animate on own.

what going on? why occur after animation below executed? before running animation (with button press) other ui elements in other app tabs not animate @ when appear, expected behaviour.

- (ibaction) btnchosenpostcodeclicked:(id)sender {    //prep animations   startview.alpha = 1.0;   postcodeview.alpha = 0.0;    [self.view addsubview:postcodeview];    [uiview beginanimations:@"chosenpostcodeanimation01" context:nil];    [uiview setanimationduration:animationspeed];   [uiview setanimationtransition:uiviewanimationtransitionnone forview:self.view cache:yes];   [uiview setanimationdelegate:self];    [uiview setanimationdidstopselector:@selector(chosenpostcodefadeoutanimationdone:finished:context:)];    startview.alpha = 0.0;    [uiview commitanimations];  }  - (void)chosenpostcodefadeoutanimationdone:(nsstring *)animationid finished:(nsnumber *)finished context:(void *)context {     //prep animations     postcodeview.alpha = 0.0;      [uiview beginanimations:@"chosenpostcodeanimation02" context:nil];      [uiview setanimationduration:animationspeed];     [uiview setanimationtransition:uiviewanimationtransitionnone forview:self.view cache:yes];      cgrect newrect = cgrectmake(42, 157, 239, 180);     imvbubble.frame = newrect;      postcodeview.alpha = 1.0;  } 

you're missing

[uiview commitanimations]; 

in chosenpostcodefadeoutanimationdone absolutely becoming part of animation!


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