In Rails, is the RESTful standard that a GET to /users is for index action, and a POST to /users is for create action? -

i looking rails plugin, , seems create user, html form says

<form action="/users" method="post"> 

and if

rake routes 

it says:

users    /users(.:format)           {:controller=>"users", :action=>"index"}       post   /users(.:format)           {:controller=>"users", :action=>"create"} 

so looks standard /controller_name perform index action, while post perform create action? 100% standard? there exception?

ther answer no

rails routs flexible can imagine.

but. rails loves rest style. can read wiki

rest crud:,_read,_update_and_delete

so. have got convention resources. can:

  • read list of resources: get /resources
  • read resource: get /resources/:id
  • create new resource: post /resources
  • update resource: put /resources/:id
  • delete resource: delete /resources/:id
  • read resource edit: get /resources/:id/edit
  • read creating: get /resources/new

this basis of rest.


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