How to create a Blackberry notification message that opens the app like twitter does? -

does know actual code create local notification in blackberry app has customized application icon , when user clicks on notification in inbox, goes directly specific page in application? similar how twitter blackberry works, whereby can notified of new tweets via inbox , on clicking on link brings tweets list in twitter app. thanks.
enter image description here

what you're looking referred message list integration or message folders. note name "message folder' little misleading. isn't create "folder" user has go (that threw me off first); rather creates message in inbox describe. best user experience you'll want create application notification icon.

the package name concern net.rim.blackberry.api.messagelist. need implement applicationmessage you've requested.

there example of how in sample source code ships jde, project name "messagelistdemo". jdes dating (at least) os 4.5 have sample app. if want use new notification bar integration os6, make sure take @ 6.0 messagelistdemo.

here quick overview of process , bare-bones example. it's 6.0 believe api remains same 4.6, , had minor changes 4.5). messagelistdemo sample better though, it's more thorough , includes you'll need -- such implementing messagefolderlistener detect when user opens 1 of custom messages.

finally - see have asked many questions not accepted answers, valid ones. please make sure accept answer if helps in order ensure people keep replying questions.


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