database - Is Redis right for storing and retrieving messages against user a la twitter? -

i'm building web app - in php - need pull down messages twitter , various other services (email, sms). i'm writing small service in node.js handle twitter connection etc. trying work out best content pulled down.

right i'm leaning towards combination of mysql our standard info main php app , redis node.js service store each message against key username , sort of unique identifier.

i've used redis before data needs persist rather being can expire sessions. redis' in memory nature makes me bit nervous as, on time, being our main message store dataset become unruly in ram, not?

this blog post gives , concise overview nosql-type databases. perhaps can find confirmation or alternative redis there. since have not given numbers on how many , how need pull data sources, it's hard answer side.

and, redis supports 2 methods of persistence: timed snapshots , append-only journal files changes db written to. second 1 safer alternative.


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