c# - Send Information from my computer to my phone -

if wanted able sync computer phone. send messages computer phone (texts messages , custom phone application) parameters need connect 2. , find information on how might this?

it seems me use of word "sync" in context going confuse people.

i think (if understand correctly) want have custom phone app, can "talk" custom app on computer or server. correct? if so, in concept you'll need do.

  1. build custom phone app can talk "tcp/ip" (either known protocol such http or custom tcp/ip protocol design, if you're not done tcp/ip before complex).
  2. build custom application runs on desktop. if you're decided use http, app asp.net application or wcf application (self hosted or iis hosted)

in scenario, phone app 1 can initiate communication because tcp/ip client (it doesn't have it'll simpler build initially). desktop application have running prior phone app attempting "connect". since tcp/ip server application.

the phone app can makes requests of server app (your desktop app) , responses server. phone app can send "data" across server app , server app can send "data" phone app.

i suggest using http rest json data interchange format. data sent on "wire" in json format (it's lighter in terms of bandwidth xml).

note when "desktop" application, application can run on server on internet (or cloud) provided hosting providers allows it. wcf services hosted in iis typically allowed hosting provider supporting asp.net.

this google link generates multiple results started http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=windows+phone+7+http+rest&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=

if you're new various technologies brace yourself, cause it's not going easy. there nothing complicated in this, else, when first start something, see huge mountain in front of you need climb (circumventing won't :)).


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