branch - How to partition a git commit in two, based on same parent? -

i'm on branch foo, parent a:


i want partition changes foo 2 branches, both based on a. believe can half job this:

git checkout -b halffoo git reset head~     # choose half stuff. git add -i git commit 

that gives me:

---a---foo     \      \-halffoo 

i know how (git checkout -b otherhalffoo; git commit -a):

---a---foo     \      \-halffoo       \        \-otherhalffoo 

but i'd this:

---a---foo    |\    | \-halffoo     \      \-otherhalffoo' 

how can without having go through 'git add -i' (and selecting negative of chosen halffoo) again?

first, rewind previous commit, leaving in changes since. branch off , apply of changes. branch off original branch again, , apply rest of changes.

git branch original_tip_with_foo  # if want reference foo commit git reset head~ git stash git branch branch_2  # we'll there in moment ... git checkout -b branch_1 git stash pop git add -p # ... add first set of changes, first branch ... git commit -m'first set of changes' git stash git checkout branch_2 git stash pop git add -p # ... add second set of changes ... git commit -m'second set of changes' 


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