Trying to install DBD::mysql using macports mysql and perl fails make test [Snow Leopard] -

i have installed mysql5 , perl5 through macports in order try , subvert earlier issue of running perl script architecture discrepancies (introduced of osx10.6).

downloaded dbd::mysql package , seek manually install it.

perl makefile works well, make.

make test, however, yields following:

perl_dl_nonlazy=1 /opt/local/bin/perl5 "-mextutils::command::mm" "-e" "test_harness(0,     'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/00base....................ok 1/6                                            #   failed test 'use dbd::mysql;' #   @ t/00base.t line 21. #     tried use 'dbd::mysql'. #     error:  can't load '/users/ianseyer/downloads/dbd-mysql-    4.011/blib/arch/auto/dbd/mysql/mysql.bundle' module dbd::mysql:     dlopen(/users/ianseyer/downloads/dbd-mysql-4.011/blib/arch/auto/dbd/mysql/mysql.bundle, 2):     symbol not found: _is_prefix #   referenced from: /users/ianseyer/downloads/dbd-mysql-    4.011/blib/arch/auto/dbd/mysql/mysql.bundle #   expected in: dynamic lookup #  @ (eval 7) line 2 # compilation failed in require @ (eval 7) line 2. # begin failed--compilation aborted @ (eval 7) line 2. t/00base....................nok 2/6failed--further testing stopped: unable load     dbd::mysql make: *** [test_dynamic] error 255 

any ideas? thanks.

i start trying install macports version of dbd::mysql:

sudo port install p5-dbd-mysql 

if doesn't work, try cpanm:

cpanm -s dbd::mysql 

only use manual installation last resort.


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