connection - php pgadmin remote db connect failure -

i want connect remote database php postgres not connect , says

 warning: pg_connect() []: unable connect postgresql server:     not connect server: no route host (0x00002751/10065) server running on host "xxxxxxxxx" , accepting tcp/ip connections on port 5432? in c:\xampp\htdocs\test.php on line 4 wrong conn_string  <html>      <body>          <?php          $db = pg_connect(' port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=') or die('wrong conn_string');          if (!$db) {                 echo 'error';             }else{             echo 'success';             }          ?>      </body>  

the same database can access pgadmin client running on same machine apache running, not understand pgadmin can access db apache webserver's php not access ? idea ?

"no route host" tells there kind of networking problem - fact different client able access same host indicate it's kind of security restriction or firewall preventing connection, it's hard more specific without detailed information environment.


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