- Should I encrypt a GUID passed by URL-parameters? -

we creating silverlight application , need have few parameters pass in url calling site.


we want give calling website 'test' string links guid of our table tells silverlight application it's task when arrive. use guid authentication on our application among other things.

the guid such:

  1. d53ae99b-06a0-4ba7-81ed-4556adc532b2
  2. 8354b838-99b3-4b4c-bb07-7cf68620072e

encrypted, values longer:

  1. l5gyhpwsbuw8kdd+tpwjosoofdf0lzmgzd4uuflx+v/d3ebygz6zpcrjvcrmg2tg
  2. wvmn7b0fpa18/q7+u4njb5aoknx6ga9xoasvcet6myjm5tv6do86oexacxdixaes

my question is, security in mind, should give them guid encrypted or is, unencrypted?

does matter?

what everyone's experience type of parameter passing?

in matters of encryption, key define security context. might able if had access original guids? if couldn't hazardous, there's no point encrypting, , it's best not encrypt. if there's security risk posed information being publicly available, you'd better encrypt it.

since say:

we use guid authentication on our application among other things

... i'm guessing you'll want encrypt. may want re-think authentication strategy. it's best use time-tested, well-accepted methods things authentication , encryption, since can relatively there aren't unknown exploits.


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