windows - Why python.exe stopped working? -

i try use opencv python. have 2 lines of code:

import cv capture = cv.createfilecapture('test.avi') 

if run code command line, windows creates window following message:

python.exe stopped working problem caused program stop working correctly. windows close program , notify if solution available. 

what can reason of that?

i add details. not sure if relevant. in examples found people use cvcreatefilecapture instead of cv.createfilecapture. in case program generate nameerror (cvcreatefilecapture not found).

in general able simple stuff opencv (so, installed , works). example able change format of image:

import cv im = cv.loadimagem("test.jpg") print type(im) cv.saveimage("test.png", im) 


"in opencv2.2\samples\python" found many *.py samples. run of them , work fine (i see animation , on). tried find file contains "createfilecapture". found 1 such file ( , run it. result got same problem described above.

python on opencv has changed, see here make sure have latest opencv install - might need numpy


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