width - Override and reset CSS style: auto or none don't work -

i override following css styling defined tables:

table {         font-size: 12px;         width: 100%;         min-width: 400px;         display:inline-table;     } 

i have specific table class called 'other'.
table decoration should looks like:

table.other {     font-size: 12px; } 

so need remove 3 properties: width,min-width , display

i tried reset none or auto, didn't help, mean these cases:

table.other {     width: auto;     min-width: auto;     display:auto; } table.other {     width: none;     min-width: none;     display:none; } 

i believe reason why first set of properties not work because there no auto value display, property should ignored. in case, inline-table still take effect, , width not apply inline elements, set of properties not anything.

the second set of properties hide table, that's display: none for.

try resetting table instead:

table.other {     width: auto;     min-width: 0;     display: table; } 

edit: min-width defaults 0, not auto


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