testing - How to list the slowest JUnit tests in a multi-module Maven build -

how can list slowest junit tests in multi-module maven build?

this should accross modules.

a hudson/jenkins solution do.

disclaimer: apologize bash solution, although works , fits in 1 line :-). if impatient, go bottom.

first need find test-*.xml files produced maven-surefire-plugin. run after mvn test in root directory of project discover test results in submodules:

$ find . -iname "test-*.xml" 

fortunately format of these files pretty straightforward, simple grep , have need:

$ grep -h "<testcase" `find . -iname "test-*.xml"` 

now sed magic extract invocation time, test case class , method name:

$ sed 's/<testcase time="\(.*\)" classname="\(.*\)" name="\(.*\)".*/\1\t\2.\3/' 

there's nothing more left sort result , display longest running tests:

$ sort -rn | head 

promised one-liner:

$ grep -h "<testcase" `find . -iname "test-*.xml"` | sed 's/<testcase time="\(.*\)" classname="\(.*\)" name="\(.*\)".*/\1\t\2.\3/' | sort -rn | head 

amazingly, results reasonable (activiti 5.1 multi-module code-base taken example):

3.029   org.activiti.examples.variables.jpa.jpavariabletest.teststorejpaentityasvariable 2.904   org.activiti.engine.test.forms.formstest.testtaskformpropertydefaultsandformrendering 1.594   org.activiti.engine.test.api.mgmt.managementservicetest.testgetjobexceptionstacktrace 1.114   org.activiti.examples.variables.jpa.jpavariabletest.testupdatejpaentityvalues 1.006   org.activiti.engine.test.db.enginerebootprocessdefinitioncachetest.teststartprocessinstancebyidafterreboot 0       org.activiti.engine.test.pvm.pvmvariablestest.testvariables 0       org.activiti.engine.test.pvm.pvmscopewaitstatetest.testwaitstatescope 0       org.activiti.engine.test.pvm.pvmscopesandconcurrencytest.testconcurrentpathsgoingintoscope 0       org.activiti.engine.test.pvm.pvmeventtest.testnestedactivitieseventsontransitionevents 0       org.activiti.engine.test.pvm.pvmeventtest.testembeddedsubprocessevents 


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