string - How to use calloc() in C? -

shouldn't error if string goes on 9 characters long in program?

// cstring.c // 2.22.11  #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h>  main() {     char *astring = calloc(10, sizeof(char));      if (astring == null)     {         return 1;     }      printf("please enter word: ");     scanf("%s", astring);      printf("you typed in: %s\n", astring);     //printf("string length: %i\n", strlen(astring)); } 



you don't compiler error because syntax correct. incorrect logic and, undefined behavior because writing memory past end of buffer.

why undefined behavior? well, didn't allocate memory means doesn't belong -- intruding area closed off caution tape. consider if program using memory directly after buffer. have overwritten memory because overran buffer.

consider using size specifier this:

scanf("%9s", astring); 

so dont overrun buffer.


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